The Credits USD Stabletoken

Tokens issued on the Credits platform with a stable price equal to the US Dollar

  • Stable value
  • Global remittances
  • Build on Credits blockchain
Coming soon
Stable value
Exchange Credits USD with the same ratio: 1 Credits USD = 1 USD
A token on blockchain
It works on a decentralized infrastructure using Credits blockchain
Backed by US dollars
1 Credits USD is backed by one USD in a bank account
Global transfers
You can transfer Credits USD tokens to any account in any country
Credits Stablecoins

A stable token designed to eliminate the volatility of traditional cryptocurrencies that can be exchanged to fiat at any moment. Credits stable USD, EUR, and others combine the prevalence of traditional national currencies and the technical advantages of blockchain solutions, namely:

  • Convenience in global payments and transfers
  • Direct transfer bypassing intermediaries such as SWIFT and others
  • Decentralized ownership and use

The payer and recipient pay in stablecoin, and the recipient can exchange the coin for the national currency after receiving it

Statistics and Information
All transactions

Display all transaction made by users and customers

All accounts

You can see all accounts and the amount of USD Credits available on each account

Smart contract of token

View Credits blockchain's token functionality